
Typical module structure

Each module is contained in its own directory. Standard modules are in the server/bin/addons directory in the server installation.

LibrERP modules are in a separate directory, that should be declared in the configuration file of LibrERP (passed to the server with the -c option) using the addons_path option.


It can be a good idea to keep your own modules in a separate directory.

Every module should contain at least two files:
  • special Python file which transforms a simple directory in Python module.
  • module definitions including description, version, dependencies etc.
A module may contain any of the following elements:
  • models: declared as Python classes extending the orm.Model OpenObject class, the persistence of these resources is completely managed by OpenObject;
  • views: declared in XML visual data rapresentation;
  • data: XML/CSV files with meta-data (views and workflows declaration), configuration data (modules parametrization) and demo data (optional but recommended for testing, e.g. sample ideas);
  • wizards: stateful interactive forms used to assist users, often available as contextual actions on resources;
  • reports: report templates, to be merged with any kind of business data, and generate HTML, ODT or PDF reports. LibrERP can use various tecnologies to create a report, including OpenERP standard RML (XML format), MAKO or OpenOffice report templates;
  • security: access control definitions stored in CSV files;
  • i18n: module translations;
  • static: static data, like images, CSS, JavaScript;
  • demo: demo data;
  • tests: unit tests;

idea structure:

    |- idea/                       # The module directory
        |- data/
            |- idea_data.xml               # Population data
        |- demo/
            |- idea_demo.xml               # Demo data
        |- models/
            |-                     # Python classes, the module's objects
        |- tests/                      # Unit testing data
        |- i18n/                       # Translation files
        |- report/                     # Report definitions
        |- security/                   # Declaration of groups and access rights
        |- views/
            |- idea_view.xml               # Views (forms,lists), menus and actions
        |- wizard/                     # Wizards definitions
        |-                 # Python package initialization  (required)
        |-              # module declaration (required)
        |- idea_workflow.xml           # Workflow definitions